Thursday 7 August 2014

Introducing SJ Techsmart

Joshante is now offering another get rich quick scheme! Hold on to your hats everybody because SJ Tech Smart is here! 

Not only has Joshante upgraded his secretary... 

Goodbye Elenia...

Hello Sahara!

...but he is also offering us the chance to make over 100 quid every day through some wizardry involving Google AdSense! That's right - sign up to SJ Tech Smart's vaguely defined services and you too could be earning daily income without doing any work!

Ok... so where does it all start to go wrong?

Firstly, we being to smell something a little ratty immediately upon opening the home page.

This is a company that, amongst other things, claim to offer a service that helps you create "attractive" and "professional websites". Now take a look at their own effort:

Lovely clip art guys! Retro is so  on trend! Not sure about the garbled English and the weird blue highlighting though...

Beautifully written material! Oozes professionalism! And I just love the graphic!

Elegant logo, guys! Did you knock it up on MS Paint?

But the real fun starts when we realise that Joshante has just ripped almost all his material off another website! 

Lets compare the SJ Tech Smart home page with

Apart from somehow contriving to design worse graphics, large swathes of the SJ Tech Smart website are identical to the MBT site! 

And what about MBT's reputation as a company?

Apparently they do not have a great reputation. Read some reviews here:

Are MBT and SJ Tech Smart linked? Or has Joshante just ripped off the idea without permission? I would guess he has just stolen the idea without permission: The SJ website is registered under "Amihyia" whereas the MBT website is blocked behind a "privacy protection service" - a common device used by scammers. See these report screenshots:

UPDATE: the owner of MBTcreations, Tarun Goel, has written to me to state that he was not working with Joshante Amihyia. He asserts that Joshante took the content of the MBT website without authorisation and has requested that Joshante take SJTechsmart down. www.sjtechsmart.couk does seem to have been taken down.

Not only did Joshante steal the content of MBT's website, but it seems they also stole their "proofs" of profits.

Here are two "proofs of profits" - one is from MBT, and the other is Joshante's forgery. You can see how Joshante has rammed a "SJ Tech Smart" logo on it, and passed it off as his own!

You can contact MBT yourself via Twitter: @MBTcreations

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